Saturday, 10 September 2016

Nailsworth horseman Charlie Avent overcomes disability to set up his own business

Seeking solace in the companionship of horses after being cruelly bullied over his autism, Charlie Avent found the majestic animal had the ability to raise him from the depths of despair.
It is no exaggeration when he says that horses saved his life.
After developing a strong connection to his art tutor’s horse, Oscar, and buying his own beloved filly Spirit, he learned the art of horse whispering, and his life changed for good.
Now Charlie from Nailsworth is embarking on a new chapter, with his fledgling business Autism Meets Natural Horsemanship (AMNH).
“It's always been my dream to set up my own business and make something of my life more than just being disabled with autism,” he said.
AMNH aims to raise awareness of autism through natural horsemanship and increase the positive perception of the condition, as well as demonstrate the benefits of equine-assisted therapy, through talks and demonstrations led by Charlie.
The company also teaches people to develop their relationship with horses, offering one-to-one clinics to improve the horse's behaviour and prevent it from spooking easily.
Image: arjecahn via Flickr
Many told Charlie to give up on his dream of starting a business, telling him that the idea was absurd, but through sheer grit and perseverance he is now making his mark on the world of natural horsemanship, inspiring others as he goes.
On August 13, he gave his first public demonstration at EquATA centre in Northampton, to a wonderful reception.
He has also written a book, Following the Hoofprints, and there is even interest in producing a film about his work.
He acknowledges that his success would not be possible without those who encourage him, with Wales-based charity The Autism Directory becoming Charlie’s main support network throughout this exciting venture.
But most importantly, Charlie wants to give back to the horse whispering community, particularly those at Heartshore Horses in Minchinhampton, who first helped him to overcome so much.
“After everything that my friends have done for me I didn't want their efforts to teach me to be in vain. With incredible support I cannot fail,” he said.
Anybody wishing to find out more about the company or enquire about the new services can call 07922010538 or email:
Original article: Stroud News and Journal

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